Monika González

Functional Genomics Unit
Parque Tecnológico de Bizkaia, Ed. 801A
48160 Derio, Bizkaia, Spain
Email : mgonzalez[at]
Phone : +34 946 572 524 (ext. 4420)
Monika González obtained her PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at University of the Basque Country. Under the supervision of Dr. Antonio Gómez Muñoz her
research was focused on the mechanisms by which bioactive phospholipids modulate cell signalling. Specifically, she was interested in the role of the Ceramide 1 phosphate in
processes such as cell survival, migration or inflammation.
After receiving her PhD (2006), she joined Dr. Concetta DiRusso lab at Albany Research Center (Albany, NY), where she studied the impact of different fatty acids from the
diet in liver metabolism.
Since 2008 she has been working at CICbioGUNE. First as a postdoctoral researcher under the supervision of Dr. Rosa Barrio at the former Gene Silencing Platform, where
she gained experience in high-throughput processes and more recently (2016) as part of the Genome Analysis Platform where she works as a wet lab platform specialist.
Recent publications
- Lavín JL, Sánchez-Morán M, Bárcena L, Cortazar AR, Macías-Cámara N, González M, Aransay AM.
A fistful of tips for a fruitful high throughput sequencing experiment.
BioEssays Volume 39(5): 1700037.
- Herboso L, Oliveira MM Talamillo A, Pérez C, González M, Martin D, Sutherland JD, Shingleton AW, Mirth C and Barrio R. (2015)
Ecdysone promotes growth of imaginal discs through the regulation of Thor in D. melanogaster.
Sci Rep. 2015 Jul 22;5:12383. doi: 10.1038/srep12383.
- Gradilla AC, Gonzalez E, Seijo I, Sánchez V, Andrés G, Bischoff M, Callejo A, Ibáñez C, Ortigao- Farias JR, Sutherland JD, González M, Barrio R, Falcon-Perez JM, Guerrero I. (2014)
Hedgehog gradient formation requires exosome-mediated secretion and transport.
Nat Commun. 2014 Dec 4;5:5649. doi: 10.1038/ncomms6649.
- Lee SY, Ramirez J, Franco M, Lectez B, González M, Barrio R, Mayor U. (2014)
Ube3a, the E3 ubiquitin ligase causing Angelman syndrome and linked to autism, regulates proteinhomeostasis through the proteasomal shuttle Rpn10.
Cell Mol Life Sci. 71(14): 2747-58.
- Talamillo A, Herboso L, Pirone L, Pérez C, González M, Sánchez J, Mayor U, Lopitz-Otsoa F, Rodriguez MS, Sutherland JD, Barrio R. ( 2013)
Scavenger Receptors Mediate the Role of SUMO and Ftz-f1 in Drosophila Steroidogenesis.
PLoS Genet 9(4): e1003473. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1003473
- Sánchez J, Talamillo A, González M, Sánchez-Pulido L, Jiménez S, Pirone L, Sutherland JD, Barrio. (2011)
Drosophila Sal and Salr are transcriptional repressors.
Biochem J. 438(3): 437-445.
- González M, Martín-Ruíz I, Jiménez S, Pirone L, Barrio R, Sutherland JD. (2011)
Generation of stable Drosophila cell lines using multicistronic vectors.
Sci Rep. 1: 75.
- González M, Sealls W, Jesch ED, Brosnan MJ, Ladunga I, Ding X, Black PN, DiRusso CC. (2011)
Defining a relationship between dietary fatty acids and the cytochrome P450 system in a mouse.
Physiol Genomics 43(3): 121 -135.
- Gonzalez M, W. Sealls, M. J. Brosnan, P. N. Black, C. C. DiRusso. (2008)
Dietary polyunsaturated fatty acids do not suppress hepatic lipogenesis.
Biochim Biophys 1781(8):406-14.
- Wang, S. W., K. Parhar, K. J. Chiu, A. Tran, P. Gangoiti, J. Kong, M. Gonzalez, B. Salh, V. Duronio, U. P. Steinbrecher, and A. Gomez-Munoz. (2007)
Pertussis toxin promotes macrophage survival through inhibition of acid sphingomyelinase and activation of the phosphoinositide 3- kinase/protein kinase B pathway.
Cell Signal 19:1772-83.
- Gomez-Munoz, A., J. Y. Kong, K. Parhar, S. W. Wang, P. Gangoiti, M. Gonzalez, S. Eivemark, B. Salh, V. Duronio, and U. P. Steinbrecher. (2005)
Ceramide-1-phosphate promotes cell survival through activation of the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/protein kinase B pathway.
FEBS Lett 579:3744-50.
- Perez-Andres, E., M. Fernandez-Rodriguez, M. Gonzalez, A. Zubiaga, A. Vallejo, I. Garcia, C. Matute, S. Pochet, J. P. Dehaye, M. Trueba, A. Marino, and A. Gomez-Munoz. (2002)
Activation of phospholipase D-2 by P2X(7) agonists in rat submandibular gland acini.
J Lipid Res 43:1244-55.
Book chapters:
- Teresa Cardoso Delgado, Mikel Azkargorta, Jose Luis Lavín-Trueba, Marta Varela-Rey, Monika Gonzalez, José M. Mato, Felix Elortza, Ana M. Aransay, María-Luz Martínez-Chantar (2018)
Biomarkers in NAFLD
Chapter 5 at "FATTY LIVER DISEASE: a reality with many questions". Eds. Jose Luis Olcoz Goñi & Francisco
Jorquera Plaza. EOLAS ediciones
- Gonzalez, M., P. Gangoiti, M. Granado, L. Brizuela, and A. Gómez-Muñoz. (2006)
Ceramide-1- phosphate and the regulation of cell survival.
Sphingolipids and cell function.1:83-97. Ed. Sign Post.